Ristia Sastra

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The History of Sikhism...

What is Sikhism? Did you ever hear about the religion of Sikhism? Do you know Sikhism really well or you don't even know what Sikhism means? Is your religion Sikhism or not? If you son't know what Sikhism is, you must read this information on the next paragraph... Even If you already know about Sikhism well... you still can also read the information on this next paragraph.....
Sikhism is a religion that started about five hundred years ago. It came from Punjab Region in India. In Punjab Region there are about twelve million people who believe in Sikhism.
The religion was started with a man called "Guru" Nanak. There are ten "Gurus" including "Guru" Nanak. "Guru" Nanak is the leader of the Sikhism religion.
Sikhism only believes in one God, and they believe that they should remember God, in every movement, every second, every minute, every time and everything they had already done. They also believe that everyone in this whole, large large world is very equal in God's eyes.
As you can see down below, i have put one of two Sikhism Symbols.
In this Sikhism symbol (beside), it represents five kinds of weapon, these weapons are avalaible in India. The weapons are:
1. a khanda,
2. a double edged sword,
3. a kirpan,
4. two curved swords
5. and a chaker (chaker is a ring).
in conclusion, Sikhism is one of important beliefs we need to know. You can see how important it is by looking on its number of believers!
posted by pinkysastra at 4:37 PM


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September 24, 2007 at 12:44 PM  

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September 24, 2007 at 12:56 PM  

ristia, your blog nice but if you want nice again you make bibliography,and conclusion you did
searching in the google and wikipedia.you can clic this in the wikipedia and in the wikipedia you search sikhism and clic thisone 3.1 Growth of the Sikh community.oke

September 24, 2007 at 1:05 PM  

I, Hansen have read your Religion Report and you have the following rating:
The introductory paragraph - well done
An explanation about the religion -good effort
The history of the religion -good effort
Religious symbols -good effort
Conclusion -Where is your conclusion?
Bibliography -Where is your bibliography?
Your score is good!

September 24, 2007 at 1:10 PM  

I, Michelle T have read your Religion Report and you have the following rating:
The introductory paragraph -good effort
An explanation about the religion -good effort
The history of the religion -good effortReligious symbols -good effort
Conclusion -Editing require
Bibliography -Editing required
You can add a motivational sentence here :-)
You really have many great informations I really like your sikhism religion

September 24, 2007 at 1:23 PM  

I, Michelle T have read your Religion Report and you have the following rating:
The introductory paragraph -good effort
An explanation about the religion -good effort
The history of the religion -good effortReligious symbols -good effort
Conclusion -Editing require
Bibliography -Editing required
You can add a motivational sentence here :-)
You really have many great informations I really like your sikhism religion

September 24, 2007 at 1:24 PM  

What is Sikhism? Have you ever heard about the religion of Sikhism? Do you know Sikhism really well or not? Is your religion Sikhism or not? If you don’t know what Sikhism is, you must read this information in the next paragraph.. Even if you already know about Sikhism well, you can also read the information in this next paragraph.

Sikhism is a religion that started about five hundred years ago. It came from the Punjab Region in India. In the Punjab Region there were about twelve million people who believed in Sikhism.
The religion was started with a man called "Guru" Nanak. There were ten "Gurus" including "Guru" Nanak. "Guru" Nanak was the leader of Sikhism.

Sikhism only believes in one God, and the followers believe that they should remember God, in every movement, every second, every minute, every time and everything they have done. They also believe that everyone in this whole world is very equal in God's eyes.
As you can see down below, I have put one of two Sikhism Symbols.

In this Sikhism symbol it represents five kinds of weapons. These weapons are available in India. The weapons are:
1. a khanda,
2. a double edged sword,
3. a kirpan,
4. two curved swords
5. and a chaker (chaker is a ring).

In conclusion, Sikhism is one of important beliefs we need to know. You can see how important it is by looking at its number of believers!
Knowledge - (8 points)
Spelling - (1 points)
Punctuation - (3 points)
Report writing with introductory and conclusion – you never told us how many Sikhs there are in the world (4 points)
Relevant pictures with religious symbols a map – no map and only 1 symbol (1 points)
Bibliography in alphabetical order – your bibliography was very incomplete and you only had 2 resources - (1 points)
Total: 18/30
Ristia, you have made a good effort here but you needed to include more pictures. Next time make sure that you use at least 4 resources.

October 1, 2007 at 2:12 PM  

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